The difference between electric tilt and recline and the benefits of each

The difference between electric tilt and recline and the benefits of each

There are many types of wheelchairs to meet the different requirements of different users. In this article I want to reinforce the knowledge and importance of considering positioning systems that offer tilt, recline and leg raises. When the positioning system is motorized, the user can access all the settings independently.

Tilt systems allow users to change the angle of the seat in relation to the ground while maintaining a constant angle between the backrest and the seat.

On the other hand, the recline allows the angle of the backrest to be changed in relation to the seat and maintains a constant angle of the seat in relation to the ground.

Based on an article published by RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) entitled "Position of RESNA in the application of tilt for wheelchairs," these are the benefits of the use of tilt and recline in wheelchairs:

  • Tilt and recline relieves pressure on the skin, muscle tissue, ischial tuberosities and the sacrum.
  • Tilt, when used alone, should be greater than 25° degrees to relieve pressure in the ischial tuberosities.
  • Recline, when used alone, can increase shear, but can also provide pressure relief to the ischial tuberosities if it is 90° to 100°.
  • The best results for pressure relief are seen when tilt and recline are used together, either 35° tilt with 100° recline or 15° - 25° tilt with 120° recline.
  • When 30° tilt is combined with full recline and leg elevation of 30 cm above the heart, swelling in the legs and ankles is reduced.
  • Position changes help reduce fatigue from long periods of sitting.

These positioning options should always be considered when evaluating the user and should be requested in the wheelchair configuration from your provider. The prescription of a wheelchair is a process that requires qualified and experienced personnel.

Maria Ines Seyler, ATP Maria Ines Seyler, ATP Education Manager Interested in more about this topic? Reach out today.