OneLoh Product
GottaGo Portable Toilet Seat
GottaGo Portable Toilet Seat

GottaGo Portable Toilet Seat

GottaGo is an innovative, portable toilet seat which makes toilet training easier for families of children with special needs. It is a lightweight seat that creates a supported squat posture which makes for easier, more efficient toileting, wherever you may be. It all packs into an easy to carry backpack and is so simple to set up - taking the stress out of toilet trips for families on the go. The GottaGo allows families the consistency they need for toilet time success.
Height Adjustable
Supported Squat Position for Easier Toileting
Room to Grow
Other Assets
Size 1 Size 2
Age 2-5 years 4-9 years
Maximum User Weight 66 lbs (30 kg) 66 lbs (30 kg)
Hip Width 8.8" (22.5 cm) 10.6" (27 cm)
Thigh Angle (off horizontal) 40° 40°
Backrest Incline Angle Forward 25°
Minimum Seat Depth 8.6" (22 cm) 11.4" (9 cm)
Weight (seat and frame) 12.7 lbs (5.8 kg) 13.4 lbs (6.1 kg)
Argentina Yes
Aruba Yes
Bahamas Yes
Barbados Yes
Bermuda Yes
Bolivia Yes
Bonaire Yes
Brazil Yes
Chile Yes
Colombia Yes
Costa Rica Yes
Curacao Yes
Dominican Republic Yes
Ecuador Yes
El Salvador Yes
Guatemala Yes
Honduras Yes
Jamaica Yes
Mexico Yes
Nicaragua Yes
Panama Yes
Paraguay Yes
Peru Yes
Puerto Rico No
Trinidad Yes
Uruguay Yes